Use the map below to find financial assistance programs in nearby Florida counties. All of the services listed are free for Veterans, Service Members and their families who need assistance to achieve financial stability. Please note however, you should refer to the website of each service provider for additional eligibility requirements that may be necessary to use that service.
ResourcesThis section will take you to the employment resources used throughout Resources.
ResourcesThis section will take you to the housing resources used throughout Resources.
Emergency Relief
ResourcesThis section will take you to the emergency relief resources used throughout Resources.
ResourcesThis section will take you to the homelessness resources used throughout Resources.
ResourcesThis section will take you to the legal resources used throughout Resources.
Education for Veterans
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
Active Duty, Veterans and their families.
Financial Management/Budget Counseling, Financial, Budgeting, and Credit Workshops, Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Pre-purchase Counseling, Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops, Resolving/Preventing Mortgage Delinquency Workshops
If you are active duty, deployed, a veteran, or are a wounded, ill or injured service member -- and meet our criteria -- you may be eligible for assistance from Operation Homefront’s Critical Assistance Program.
Helping military families gain long-term stability is a specific concern for us. Our Homes on the Homefront awards mortgage-free homes, impacting veteran families for generations to come. The caregivers for wounded warriors also need help and that is why we formed Hearts of Valor.
Emergency Relief
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard
CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization.
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard
CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization.
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard
CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization.
NOTE: This reource is only available online
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard
CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization.
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard
CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization.
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online
NOTE: This reource is only available online